I am an atheist

I am a scientist. By that I mean I try to understand the world around me and try not to let that understanding be influenced by non-evidential ways of looking at things.

That’s why I cannot understand that some folk want to call me an atheist. To me that is insulting. To give me a label because I see no reason to “believe” in something that did not enter the lexicon until it was introduced by writing it into a book some 6000 years ago and was then reinforced by rewriting the same into another book in about 70 AD is unfair. I say that without diminishing the rights of the approximately 30% of the worlds population who do, just as I wish that 30% would accord the same right to the other about 30% who believe in another being. Of course, the same right must be accorded to the remaining 40% of the world who either believe in multiple beings or none at all.

With tolerance we can all co-exist. Let’s try a little harder!

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