Summary of my Physics papers.
Over many years I struggled to understand our world and being totally unhappy with both “the expanding universe” and “big bang” explanations I began to formulate my own solutions. As a result I wrote a bunch of papers. Here are their summaries.
First and most important was:
Anderson, Michael, Thoughts on the Origin of Mass (November 05, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
This paper was a culmination of my previous work and produced the following main idea.
Because Einstein was right that energy and mass are equivalent and that all energy is quantized, therefore all mass must be similarly quantized, but more importantly, those quanta must also have similar properties.
In no particular order this means:
- Elementary particles of matter are indivisible particles of energy which appear and act as matter with the property of mass.
- Every quantum in an EMR energy wave has three significant variables namely energy, frequency, and charge and it is that uniqueness which defines the properties of the quantum in both energy form and mass form.
- The unique difference between a quantum of energy and a quantum of mass is that an energy quantum has balanced charge while a mass quantum has either a positive charge or a negative charge. Thus neutral mass has an equal number of each of positive quanta and negative quanta while charged mass has a surplus of one.
- Thus, charge is the center of the issue and is an essential property of all matter.
- The energy and mass in a positron is in every way identical to the energy and mass in an electron albeit their opposite charges. There is nothing anti about a positron.
- Any particle that has no residual charge must be a composite particle with charges balanced, positive charges equal to negative charges. It is through the neutrino that this is made possible.
- There are probably two forms of neutrino, one in which the spins are aligned to both be clockwise, the second when the spins are both aligned anti
- The above difference causes the two forms to have very different magnetic properties, the one with two south poles, the second with two north poles.
- Although the absence of a residual charge makes neutrinos not able to interact with most matter, the unique magnetic structure causes them to be very attractive to each other making pairs or greater numbers of neutrinos to clump up.
- This “clumping” is the origin of the apparent existence of quarks meaning that quarks are not elementary particles and actually are probably not “particles” at all.
The second was:
Anderson, Michael, Discussion and on 'Thoughts on the Origin of Mass' (February 18, 2024). Available at SSRN:
In this paper I was emphasizing the importance of understanding that the apparent absence of antimatter in the universe is a major fallacy because a positively charged quantum is not antimatter and anyway co-exists with a negatively charged quantum in each and every neutrino, and neutrinos are the basis of all matter and the universe.
The third paper came up with an answer that initially surprised me and I am still trying to understand the full implications of it:
Anderson, Michael, What is Charge (May 25, 2024). Available at SSRN:
Because a quantum must have charge, energy and frequency, and because in any system charge must be balanced, thus every quantum of EMR must have both positive and negative charge, and the question is how do they co-exist in space. The surprising finding is they can and do, and they are always a specific distance apart which distance turns out to be equal to the Thomson Scattering Length.
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