How do you get a revolutionary idea in Physics considered?

I guess it was over 50 years ago that I started to be unhappy with the idea of the expanding universe and it’s progeny concept, the big bang, and this concern led me to look for other solutions. I wasn’t until I put Einstein’s famous energy/mass equivalency into the mix that I realized the problem was that mainline physics has started at the wrong end. Instead of looking at protons and neutrons and what happens when you bash one into the other at high energy, we should be looking at electrons and positrons and, yes, that still misunderstood third partner, the neutrino.

I think my first epiphany was when I asked, “If Einstein is right, then what does it mean that a positron and an electron are spawned from high energy EMR, the only form of energy we know of that is independent of mass?”

Knowing that EMR is energy moved along by oscillating charges with the magnitude of that energy being dependent on frequency gives the first clue. Add in the discovery that all EMR is in discreet quanta, and you have to conclude that each and every such quantum must have those three elements, energy carried by charge oscillating at a specific frequency. Viewing the issue at the quantum level makes it clear that each EMR quantum must have both positive and negative charges present while the spawned mass particles each have only one or the other but clearly a charge must be present.

But, you say, mass is mostly neutral. Indeed, and the neutrino is the secret. My model shows that a neutrino could consist of a positive and negative quantum providing the spins in each was the same, either both clockwise or both anti clockwise. The interesting result being that this creates two forms of neutrino, one with two south poles and the other with two north poles meaning that while neutrinos don’t interact with other particles, they are very attractive to each other and clump up easily, 2 or 4 forming what appear as “quarks” in protons and turn out to be the basis of all matter.

The other key finding is that this structure means that so called antimatter is a figment, as it is actually an integral and essential part of the universe.

Reference Anderson, Michael, Thoughts on the Origin of Mass (November 05, 2023). Available at SSRN: