A Summary of my Journey of Discovery.

The untold world of quanta.

The beginning of my journey was realizing that if Einstein’s “e=mc2” and “all energy is quantized” were both correct, then the properties of mass and energy at the quantum level must be compatible with each other. Looking first at Electromagnetic Radiation I concluded that every such quantum must have three things, energy, charge and frequency. For mass to be equivalent, each and every quantum of mass must also have those properties except I realized the critical difference was that every quantum of EMR had both positive and negative charges equal and opposite, while in mass there is only one either positive or negative and these quanta are represented by the primary particles - electrons and positrons. This is the defining and only difference between mass and EMR, a quantum of mass has either a positive charge or a negative charge, while EMR quanta have both.

This led to the remarkable conclusion that, as most matter is actually neutral, but each quantum must have charge, then all matter must have both types of quanta, in equal amount. But in our observed world, any time a positron meets an electron, poof, they annihilate each other. The only logical answer to this quandary was the neutrino, and it seemed that it somehow had to have both charges and this mystery particle could actually be the building block of the universe.

To assist in visualizing the structure of a neutrino I developed a simple representation of a quantum as +esn↓  for a positron with the down arrow representing anti clockwise spin when viewed from the right.  Similarly, -ens↓ for an electron showing the magnetic field would be the opposite.

Studying this far-fetched idea became more intriguing when it became clear that if a neutrino were to have two quanta, one positive and one negative the spin of each would have to be in the same direction otherwise it would never be stable. This being so, then two isomers would be possible, one with two south poles when spins were clockwise, the other with two north poles when spins were anticlockwise.

This arrangement would make the two isomer neutrinos extremely attractive to each other, allowing “clumping” in pairs which could easily represent one pair as an up quark, two pairs as a down quark, clearly making them possible as forming larger conglomerates such as protons and other particles.

The above discussion shows why I reject the term anti matter, as all natural matter in made up of both positive and negatively charged quanta, and neither is more anti than the other.

Turning to specifically EMR quanta, I wondered how the two charges were separated and by how much. My calculations led to a surprising conclusion that the distance was constant irrespective of the energy or frequency of the quantum and was precisely identical to the constant known as Thomsons Scattering Length, or specifically 2.81794 x 10-15 m.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions such as “why are all natural matter quanta of equal rest energy 0.511 Mev?” or “why are protons never larger or smaller than 1.67262×10−27 kg”, so my quest will continue. All that can be said is that I have enjoyed the ride.

View my research on my SSRN Author page:

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